Monday, July 03, 2006

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Podcasts Application Activity

WOW – The amazing podcasts

Where do I start about these podcasts? This technology is really amazing and it allows the user to listen to shows they usually are unable to listen to in their busy schedule. A couple of items that surprised me were the amount of advertisements that were on the podcasts and the quick speed I was able to download the podcasts.

Here is my list of podcasts I have subscribed to:

1. Slashdot Review – This podcasts is a great way of keeping up to date on what is going on in the world of technology. It keeps me current on what I can’t get time to read.

2. Podcast for Teachers – A great review that comes from Fordham University where Dr. Kathy King and Mark Gura discuss and debate the what is going on in the world of Educational Technology.

3. Photoshop TV – This one is actually a video podcast. This podcast is run like a news show that highlights and give tips on how to use Photoshop. I plan on passing this onto my Multimedia teacher who teaches Photoshop.

4. One Minute Tip – This is a collection of one minute tips on commonly used features we used everyday in our technology worlds. I found out a lot of information on Google from this podcast.

5. Educational Technology – The Doyle Report – Denis Doyle and David Deschryver report on and give their opinions on the latest news and happenings of the technology world.

6. ESPN: PTI – One of my favorite shows that I just don’t get a chance to watch and now I can listen to the show anytime I want. The show has Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon debating current topics in sports.

Monday, June 19, 2006

2.4 Application Activity

Define blog

A blog is an ongoing document that is continually changing and growing. Users of blogs can be anyone and this allows for the user’s comments to be published and read by anyone. Bloggers can present factual material or comment with their opinions on a topic.

Educational uses
  1. Share ideas with other educators
  2. Encourage teacher/student interaction
  3. Post lesson plans
  4. Post student projects
  5. Provide links to other resources
  6. Post a calendar of due dates for class projects
  7. Provide a location for parents to post questions and comments
  8. Provide a location for teachers to post questions and comments about technology resources
  9. Provides a location to post technology budget information to teachers
  10. Provides a location for me to provide technology updates regarding our school network

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My First Post

This is a test of my very first blog post